When considering office space design ideas, old school cubicles are a thing of the past. Now it’s important to create an appealing workspace that is both functional and beautiful.
And let’s be honest, some office building design ideas are better than others. So in this article, let’s talk about how to choose the right office design.
And if you fall in love with one of them, you can always have an architect in Charlotte NC make it a reality.
More Reading: How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Architect?
The Best Small Office Building Designs
Here are some great modern office designs for smaller layouts:
Home Office Style
Designing offices in the style of a home office is a growing trend. Since a lot of workers began to work remotely during COVID, a home office design can be a great choice.
It can capture the feeling of being in your own office or living room while still coming into an office every day. That way, it helps ease the transition of your workers back into a unified location.
Multipurpose Areas
In today’s day and age, it’s important for your space to be multipurpose. Modern offices have a more open layout. This allows for different spaces to be used for specific events or activities.
However, it doesn’t mean you have to divide the office into several different units. A more open and versatile layout allows you to have quick meetings, receive clients, or simply work throughout the day.
Consider lightweight furniture choices that allow you to reorganize the space on short notice.
Bold Aesthetic
An industrial style is a great bold choice. Featuring high ceilings and exposed elements like steel or concrete, an industrial design looks great and is incredibly useful.
It also reflects the aesthetics of the modern age. This might include metal workstations, polished floors, or minimalist design.
Eco-Friendly Design
If it’s important for your business to be green, you can reduce your carbon footprint with an eco-friendly design.
Using solar power is one of the first ways to ensure this. Additionally, you can connect your office with the internet of things. This allows you to go paperless. Automatic thermostats and lighting can also reduce the energy your office uses throughout the day.
Commercial Office Space Design Ideas From Vinyet
To ensure the best office design, contact the experts at Vinyet Architecture. The team of architects in Charlotte, NC can take an idea and bring it to life.
That way you can get the office design that reflects the needs of you and your workers. At the end of the day, the right design can make all the difference in your productivity and growth.